October 18, 2024

Parle-G’s Festive campaign for Diwali, takes us back to simple times of celebrations

The campaign has been created and executed by Thought Blurb Communications

Mumbai, 18th October, 2024: If you ask an earlier generation of Indians about Diwali, you will hear storied tales of the ushering in of the festival of lights. They will also rue the erosion of tradition, the tokenism that is gradually seeping into this grand festival. This is the kernel of truth that Thought Blurb Communications, the advertising agency has drawn on for the new Parle-G Diwali film.

The 3-minute-long film has been released in the digital media last weekend. And it has already gone viral with people sharing it in various WhatsApp Groups. This is the third film created by Thought Blurb Communications for Parle-G, that has gone viral in just the last 40 days! Ganpati and Teacher’s Day films being the other two.

At the heart of the film is the despondence of a grandmother feeling alienated by a changing world, and a grandson who is just learning that another world existed before his time. This precipitates a set of decisions on the latter’s part.

The film brings out a number of aspects in both the central characters. The need to hold on to a way of life, the joy of working together as a family on such occasions. These are traditions that are fading as commercialization sets in.

The grandmother simply lays out the joy that was Diwali, in her day. The lesson is implicitly learned, and the grandson feels compelled to bring them back. It is not a teaching moment. It’s merely a transfer of joy. That is where the brand excels with their message, ‘Genius wohi, jo auron ke khushi mein paye apni khushi’.

Mayank Shah

As Mayank Shah, Vice-President, Parle Products puts it. “At every point of the spectrum, Parle-G films hope to evoke a certain amount of emotion. This has been a cornerstone of our past work. This Diwali, we decided to highlight our Diwali traditions in a unique way that has so far been unexplored.”

Vinod Kunj

Covering the ground between campaigns, Vinod Kunj, Founder & Chief Creative Officer of Thought Blurb Communications sums it up. “Diwali ads pose a certain difficulty. The scope has been defined over and over, and a lot has been created on the subject. I am proud of the team who stepped across the boundaries of thought and brought this concept to light.”

Renu Somani

Sometimes an idea comes from weeding away the chaff from the wheat. Renu Somani, National Creative Director of Thought Blurb Communications puts the sentiment in clear terms. “We went through the Diwali ads of many brands from the past, and realized that this thought had not been explored, and not articulated as such. This concept had promise and we went for it.”

Returning to basics is not a popular concept that resonates with younger people. However, seeing family members in a whole new light certainly is. When that perception sets in, the impulse to renew the relationship becomes imperative. By all accounts, Parle-G’s new Diwali film will make us look at or family in a whole new light. And with it, our relationship to Diwali.