In an attempt to stop users from re-sharing feed posts to Instagram Stories, Instagram was experimenting with various tools to reduce the number of re-sharing feeds on Stories and even eliminated the feature that allowed re-sharing posts on Stories. 

According to an interview with Social Media Today, “We’ve seen from research that people prefer to see original photos and videos in Stories from the people they care about. The goal of our test is to better understand how people feel about this type of content and ultimately improve the Stories experience.”

The social-media giant further went on to explain their decision to change the algorithm by stating that users often have so many Stories on top of their display that they are unable to see all of them regularly thus prioritizing original posts ensures maximum visibility to relevant, unique updates instead of re-shared posts.

However, following this algorithm lead Instagram to see a significant reduction in the reach of posts and is thus discarding the algorithm while it tries to reverse to its original form, which means that re-shared feed posts will be back on Stories and will continue to get the same amount of reach as any other Stories.