September 8, 2024


The proclaimed travel-gear brand, American Tourister is ready to get back to action after the decrease in restrictions and countries welcoming visitors again. Prioritising the message of safety over the last two years, the brand has finally come up with another brilliant digital campaign that tickles the viewers into taking a much-deserved break.

Pradnya Popade, Head-Marketing Communications says, “The craving to travel post-pandemic has increased ten-folds among people, but office commitments make it hard for them to do so as per their will. So, this campaign brought a fresh outlook towards the necessity of taking time-offs from work and igniting people to go travelling.

The campaign features a beloved public face, Virat Kholi, who has been their brand ambassador since 2016 and has made an appearance to promote several campaigns in the past.

The latest intriguing strategy by American Tourister, #UndeniableLeave, gets its name from the concept of encouraging office workers to take a leave from their mundane schedule and take some time off to focus on exploring the world.

Anushree Tainwala, Executive Director – Marketing says “It’s a fact that people have the urge to travel, but work always gets in the way. This was a quirky and engaging way to put work in the back seat and get people to go on a well-deserved travel break.”

The campaign gets its innovative touch with the idea of showing Virat Kholi as the middleman taking permission on the employees behalf for the leave, thus making it irresistible for the employers to not approve the application.

#UndeniableLeave also focuses on keeping safety and taking necessary precautions as a priority while they launch this interactive campaign.

American Tourister brand ambassador Virat Kohli says, “With busy training and touring schedules, I know the importance of taking a break from work. This was a fun way to get that message across to young Indians.”

Campaign For Men-

Since there are two different versions of it, made gender-specific, all viewers can participate, remix the reel, and stand a chance to win a backpack, thus making the campaign interactive and boosting its reach.

Campaign For Women-

However, we’re yet to see how many viewers are bold enough to ask for a leave publicly by using a reel in the process!

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