March 13, 2025
Advertising News


What happens when two of the biggest consumer good brands of the country lock horns with each other in the digital age? We get an ad war on social media. In today’s competitive market, it has become a sine qua non for brands to take swings at their competitors to establish their own superiority. Amul and Britannia took to social media in a canny battle of ingredients.

It all began with the dairy giant Amul putting out a rousing ad claiming that its own butter cookies which had only recently been launched had 25% butter and no vegetable oil while other brands had a meagre 0.3-3% butter and up to 22% vegetable oil. This ad was a subtle jab at Britannia as the cookie in question with the 22%oil is very Evidently a Britannia Goodday butter cookie with its trademark curved lines. This ad campaign worked like a charm for Amul as it showcased their cookies as the better value proposition without having to name any of its competitors.



Britannia, being a seasoned player in the cookies game, obviously had a sweet comeback to this witticism. They decided to hit Amul back with a taste of their own medicine as they put out an ad that compared their Goodday Butter cookies that were ‘full of smiles’ to the ‘25% butter’ cookies that also came with 7 times the cholesterol, establishing their own cookies as the healthier choice.

This Ad war had soon gone viral on twitter and is hopefully a sign of more to come between the two giants. It serves as a great lesson in showing how a lot can be divulged without ever pointing a finger.

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