A popular vegan influencer, Zhanna D’Art, also known as Zhanna Samsonova, has died. Reports from the New Yort Post indicate that her shocking and untimely death was due to starvation and exhaustion from her exclusive fruit diet.

For years, the 39-year-old Russian influencer was a passionate advocate of a raw vegan lifestyle. Her diet mostly consisted of fruits, seeds and juices, which she believed would give her exceptional health and youthful vigor. Due to her beliefs, she garnered widespread attention on social media with more than 10.2 million followers on Instagram.

However, Zhanna’s rigid adherence to this vegan diet appears to have taken a severe toll on her health. As per reports from local media, Zhanna received medical treatment during her trip to Southeast Asia. While News Flash reported that she “looked exhausted and had swollen legs“, because of which she was sent for treatment, she didn’t complete it.

Zhanna’s mother also spoke about her daughter’s health, claiming that she had a “cholera-like infection” which could have been caused by malnutrition due to her vegan diet. This worsened during her tour of Southeast Asia, and she eventually passed away on July 21st in Malaysia at the age of 39.

While Zhanna’s demise has devastated her family, friends and followers, it has also prompted several internet users to speak out about the dangers of extreme dieting.

It is vital to remember that a well-balanced, well-proportioned approach to nutrition is important for one’s health and overall well-being.