March 14, 2025


As the end of Pride month comes closer, Snapchat has come up with another way to ensure that the LGBTQIA+ community members feel more comfortable and experience a great wave of inclusion through it all. The social media conglomerate has announced the launch of its new initiative that allows users to create their own Pride flag and even have it printed out.

According to Snapchat, “To reflect how pronouns and physical expressions have become more expansive and fluid, Snapchat created new versions of Pride Flags with blended gradients, giving the LGBTQIA+ community a way to embrace the spectrum of identity and an individual’s place within it. The optical elements of the Lenses underscore that diversity, with non-linear gradients and color spectrums meant to emphasize the nuance and richness of the LGBTQIA+ experience.

For each flag sold, $2 will go to InterPride to help support equity efforts worldwide.”

Thus, users can even create their own stickers and any other dispositional additions to their flag which highlight their identity. Once users are done creating their flags, Pride Basics -the company Snapchat is partnering up with for the initiative- will print out the flags for the users and ship it to them.

In itself, this is an interesting initiative, providing new ways for members of the LGBTQIA+ community to establish a greater sense of inclusion. But the integration with physical shopping is another element to consider, and could be another small step toward Snap’s broader eCommerce plans, and providing more ways to blend on and offline experiences through products.

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