March 28, 2025


This brand-new campaign brings together Farhan Akhtar’s wit, AI and Oreos to generate responses that help you turn speechless moments into playful ones.

Mondelez International’s Oreo has launched a new campaign, “Sat It With Oreo”, in partnership with popular actor Farhan Akhtar and AI text and voice engines, in order to bring Oreo’s brand platform “Stay Playful” alive. This campaign was conceptionalized by Leo Burnett and relies on the insight that everyone from kids and adults could do with a little entertainment and humour in their lives.

Oreo has introduced special edition packs containing cookies and a QR code which, once it’s scanned, will redirect the customer to a microsite In this site, users can share the awkward situation they are in, and in return, will get a playful, customized answer by Farhan Akhtar.

The campaign starts off with an advertisement for ‘Voice of OREO’ which Farhan Akhtar responds to and is followed by a pitch by an Oreo representative which was captured as a film and then launched on digital media. This was in turn followed by the launch of 6 shorties which skillfully demonstrate the power of ‘Say It With Oreo’ platform.

Nitin Saini, vice president, Marketing, Mondelez India, spoke of the idea behind the campaign, emphasizing that OREO has always tried to build stronger connections in families and culture through its ‘Stay Playful” platform. The company takes it a step further with their latest campaign, inviting people to rediscover joy of playful conversations with the help of tech.

Varun Shah, executive vice president, Prodigious & Content Factory, expressed his enthusiasm for the campaign, asserting that it is one of the biggest AI led campaigns of recent times, which will potentially make unlimited fully personalized messaging a possibility. For this campaign, Oreo and their AI voice engine partner were not just production partners, but technology and technological activation and deployment partners.

While Oreo’s 2.08-minute-long video was relatively short, it was also catchy and memorable, with positive comments on YouTube.

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