October 18, 2024

Apple Launches “The Invincibles” campaign with Unstoppable Pups

Apple has launched a heartwarming campaign in anticipation for International Dogs Day on August 26th. Titled “The Invincibles”, the campaign brings to you the touching and inspiring narratives of disabled dogs who have reclaimed their mobility with the help of custom prosthetics.

Shot on iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max, “The Invincibles” highlights the stories of seven dogs who have found comfort and happiness due to Apple’s technology.

This adorable cast are all happy clients of 3DPets, a New Jersey based company that provides custom mobility devices for animals. “The Invincibles” campaign showcases their distinctive use of TrueDepth and LiDAR cameras, distinguished Apple technology found in the iPhone 14 Pro.

“The Invincibles” is a 30-second campaign that narrates the story of Trip, a sweet dog who escaped euthanasia as a puppy and was rescued by his owners, becoming one of 3DPets’s first-ever clients and underdoing an extraordinary recovery. His inspiring mobility is visible in the campaign, providing viewers with a beautiful glimpse his new life as he plays outdoors.

Apple has also released a longer campaign, titled “Trip’s Story”, which showcases how Apple tech has played a role in his rediscovered mobility by carefully scanning Trip’s body. In addition to Trip, it also stars several other pups, including Cleo, who was rescued from the side of an Oklahoma road after being hit by a car. The injuries from the accident resulted in Cleo losing her front leg. Her joyful and free-spirited attitude inspired biomedical engineering student Jordan Rosenfeld to adopt Cleo.

“I have to make her life amazing. I got to work on prosthetics for her. She deserves it,” Rosenfeld says.

Both ad films were filmed using the iPhone 14 Pro and will be sure to make viewers’ hearts melt.

In addition to their ad films, Apple has also released an Instagram post of the seven loveable stars of the campaign, photographed by Leeor Wild on the iPhone 14 Pro.


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Apple’s latest campaign is a clear example of Emotional Advertising, appealing to the hearts and sentiments of its audience while also managing to provide insightful information regarding their elevating technology.

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